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Application Process

Junior Year Study Abroad

Application Process

The application process for the Junior Year Study Abroad Programme of the Department of Japanese are as stipulated below.

Junior Year Abroad Application Process
Late February to Early March
Seminar for Junior Year Study Abroad Audition
Explanation of Junior Year study abroad programme and audition process.
Previous study-abroad students will be invited to give more information regarding sister universities.
Early March
Audition Application Open
Refer to Application Requirements for detailed information.
Refer to Audition Examination for more information.
Late March
University Selection Wishlist Allocation
Refer to Wishlist Allocation for more information.
April to Late May
Submission of Required Documents

Payment of Associated Fees

Required Documents: Registration form for Certificate of Eligibility, Health Check Form, Bank Statement, Passport and other supporting documents.

Associated Fees: Administration Fees, Air Tickets, Visa Fee, Insurance Fees, Deposits etc.

May to August
Pre-departure Preparations
Arrangement of Dormitories (in accordance with sister universities’ regulations), Submission of Scholarship Applications, Preparation of Study Abroad Visa Documents.
Mid to Late June
Fire Safety Seminar and Flag-giving Ceremony
Absence without notice will be recorded with a demerit.
Late July to Mid-August Announcement of Departure Date for Respective Universities and Departing Flight Departure time will differ between universities.
Departure time: In accordance with respective universities’ regulations.
Departure Airport: In accordance with the further notice.
Departure will be in groups, no individual departures are allowed.
Early August to Mid-August
Departure Permission Registration for Conscripts
An official letter will be released by the Department for conscripts for the application for such permission. The official letter will be sent to respective residence address, conscripts may bring along the letter and passport and proceed to their respective district office to obtain departure permission.
Late August
Pre-departure Briefing
Pre-departure briefing on things to notice, announcement of gather time, submission of required documents for visa application, previous study-abroad students will be invited to give the latest information regarding respective sister universities.
Early September to Early October
The Department will not be able to provide airport pick-up services. Students are to conform to respective universities’ gather and registration time after arriving in Japan.
Early September to Next Late July
Study Abroad
Students studying abroad are to submit monthly report form, failure of submission will result in the forfeiture of deposit (NT$200 per unsubmitted form).
Next Late August
Pre-departure Briefing (Next Fiscal Year)
Students are to return before the pre-departure briefing for the next fiscal year to share the latest information regarding respective universities. Absence without notice will be recorded with a demerit.
Next Late September to Mid-November Credit Exemptions Refer to Credit Exemptions for more information.
Report Card from each sister universities arrives at a different time, therefore credit exemptions will be carried out by mid-November. Due to the exemptions being carried out after mid-terms class allocation, classes chosen before credit exemptions cannot be removed and students may not be able to apply for scholarship and other financial support.
Next September to Early March of next two Fiscal Years Submission of Experience Report Students are to submit a study abroad experience report, a questionnaire and a daily life matters questionnaire.
Late February to Early March of Next two Fiscal Year Seminar for Junior Year Study Abroad Audition Students are to attend the seminar and share information regarding respective universities. Absence without notice will be recorded with a demerit.
April to June of Next two Fiscal Year Refund of Deposit The Department will refund all remaining deposit via bank transfer after all reports and questionnaire are submitted.
(NT$200 will be forfeited from the deposit for each unsubmitted report as well as each seminar and briefing.)

Students are encouraged to reconsider their application should they will not be able to act in concert with the above process.

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